Handbook / editing

Editing handbook content

  1. Editing handbook content
    1. Repository structure
    2. Basic editing
    3. Table of contents
    4. Images
    5. Advanced editing
      1. Embedded JavaScript in markdown

Repository structure

The content of this handbook is kept in a GitHub repository, with all of the pages that are served for the site underneath the /pages folder.

Basic editing

You can add .md files into any folders underneath /pages, and they will automatically render as pages, at the same path they are added. Be sure links match the file extension that you've indicated.

Table of contents

You can add a table of contents anywhere on a page by adding the text {{TOC}}. This will be replaced at build time with a table of contents for that page.


Recommendations on how to use images in your handbook is still TBD.

Advanced editing

You can get a lot of this handbook without taking advantage of any of the below advanced features, but for more complicated use cases they are available.

Embedded JavaScript in markdown

This handbook supports the use of embedded react components on markdown pages using MDX. To take advantage of this optional feature, you should:

Check the official MDX site to learn more about MDX.

Edit this page

See page history